County Oddfathers & Apologists for Regime of Petty Graft are full of baloney -- Voters beware
A freely available Cowboy Times EDITORIAL
Originally published 12. 14. 06
And so it came to pass on the 6th day of the 12th month, following a criminal investigation at the behest of a governor, sparked by the forked tongue of a county whistleblower, that two sophists appeared to save the people from believing that just because Pharos had filched their gold that somehow meant they had been taken for fools.
One issued from the East and another from the West. But still their missives arrived together professing similar things.
Like relentless Jesuits, and noble Plato before them, their epistles rang with the high passions of the conver
ted and of the devoted converting the dumb and backward, sitting atop their thumbs, into ignoring the truth before them and accepting the apologists’ devilish religion.
A faith as far and foreign from the truth as Jesus was from Satan before him. A dogma born of hubris undoing sins denied in pious writs that swore no evils had ever been committed in thy names nor even existed at all. Actually, the sophists were recent letterwriters to the despised editor of the now detested Jackson Hole News & Guide. A public tablet honeycombed with scribes so audacious in their reporting of provably true facts that a high-flying local Oracle recently lamented: “They used to be such a nice little paper. Now, they’ve become such a mean little paper.”