Detainee Abuse Charges Feared: Shield Sought From '96 War Crimes Act
Washington Post Staff Writer
Filed Friday July 28

Senior officials have responded by drafting legislation that would grant U.S. personnel involved in the terrorism fight new protections against prosecution for past violations of the War Crimes Act of 1996. That law criminalizes violations of the Geneva Conventions governing conduct in war and threatens the death penalty if U.S.-held detainees die in custody from abusive treatment.
In light of a recent Supreme Court ruling that the international Conventions apply to the treatment of detainees in the terrorism fight, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales has spoken privately with Republican lawmakers about the need for such "protections," according to someone who heard his remarks last week.
Gonzales told the lawmakers that a shield is needed for actions taken by U.S. personnel under a 2002 presidential order, which the Supreme Court declared illegal, and under Justice Department legal opinions that have been withdrawn under fire, the source said. A spokeswoman for Gonzales, Tasia Scolinos, declined to comment on Gonzales's remarks.
The Justice Department's top legal adviser, Steven G. Bradbury, separately testified two weeks ago that Congress must give new "definition and certainty" to captors' risk of prosecution for coercive interrogations that fall short of outright torture.
Oxy-Moron education is a very rare commodity we readers here are most fortunate to gain from keeping up with the Cowboy Times! Like making sense of "War Crimes," and "Hells Angels" in most recent stories. The image of Jackson's power-elite Veep Cheney, combined with sharp cowboy visuals here, offers unique insight into the political concept of "Broke-bank Mountain" that other sources lack. Is that GW sitting next to Dick?? Keep up the fine work!
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