Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Bada Bing Cowboy

A freely available OPINION


The Washington Post

Filed 1.30.07

(WP) - If you've been following the Lewis "Scooter" Libby perjury trial, I can understand how you might confuse Dick Cheney with Tony Soprano. Cheney's office is beginning to sound a lot like the Bada Bing, minus the dancers.

Court has been in session for only a week, and already we've heard about characters being set up (Libby, allegedly,
to save political wizard Karl Rove), strung along (media bigwigs, who were to be played like patsies), buried in mud (former ambassador Joseph Wilson, who questioned the raison d'etre of the Iraq war) and ratted out (the famously leak-averse Cheney, revealed to be willing to leak like a washerless faucet when it suits his purposes).
Artwork courtsey of Flickr.com


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