Wyo. rancher tells national media that ongoing battle with BLM is "War"

Newsroom sources say Nat’l Media will be reporting on allegations of systematic R.I.C.O violations by officials in Wyoming...
Update...3.8.07, 5:29 p.m., MST,...court records show gov't to argue individual BLM officials are immune from civil suit in groundbreaking Supreme Court case...
...a Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times exclusive
“Does Uncle Sam have an unqualified right to bully you through his agents into surrendering your property without just compensation after you have refused to grant him access to your land?”
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Photo Captions & Credits: "Harvey Frank Robbins, Jr. on his mule in front of the Worland, Wyo., BLM field office in 2000" courtesy of High Country News
Photo Captions & Credits: "Harvey Frank Robbins, Jr. on his mule in front of the Worland, Wyo., BLM field office in 2000" courtesy of High Country News
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