Extraordinary Extradition

Star-Tribune correspondent
Filed 6.07.07, 1:50 a.m., MST
Updated 6.07.07, 6:55 p.m., MST
Rape suspects Daniel Juarez Bonilla & Armando Aguilar return to jail Thursday, held on $1 million bail -- prosecutors seek enhanced life sentences for both men for convictions on all charges. DNA, eyewitness testimony and positive fingerprint ID evidence purported to be key to state's case. Circuit Court Judge Timothy C. Day slates probable cause hearing here for next Thursday, June 14.
FLASHBACK...Aug. 21, 2005
JACKSON, Wyo. — Citizens of Jackson Hole awaken to the shocking news no small town can bear: Two of their own daughters are reportedly assaulted and raped around the Town Square by four men shortly after bars closed here the night before.
Community leaders call for calm. Vigilantes call for a noose.
Behind the scenes, police come under tremendous pressure from elected officials to capture the perpetrators and assure tourists and the public all is well in paradise. Cops and detectives work around the clock to crack the case as the press catches the hopping, mad fever.
Within days, Jackson police release composite sketches of two suspects--only to discover days later a folded up newspaper splashing their mugs on the dash of an abandoned get-a-way car.
Within two weeks, officials announce the capture of two later-convicted accomplices.
But for nearly two years, one nagging question has haunted the minds of victims and concerned residents alike: What happened to the two primary culprits?
Late Tuesday evening, sources say, federal agents delivered into custody here two fugitives from Mexico that police allege are the ones who got away one long summer, two years ago.
(Click here & read on courtesy of the Casper Star-Tribune)
Photo Captions & Credits: High-profile 2005 rape suspects "Daniel Juarez Bonilla (left)" & "Armando Aguilar (right)" courtesy of the Jackson Police Department
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