Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's Up to Voters to Raise the Bar

A freely available OPINION: Romney, Richardson Need to Get Real

By The Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times Editorial Board

Filed 8.30.07

Washington, D.C. (CT) – After a week of lolling about the free world’s financial and political capitols—where the medias’ cult of tacky hyperbolic scandals is a 24-7 sensory-experience in New York and D.C.—it was restorative to reflect upon the privilege of covering last week two ‘08 presidential candidates first campaign stops in that rarefied outback of modern America known as Jackson, Wyo.

Ahhh...last week: A now bygone era of idyllic America I shall call “B.L.C,” or “Before Larry Craig,” where serious political journalism and citizen participation went hand-in-hand with democratic esprit d’corps. A time before the nation lost its collective head over the balding Idaho senator’s unsavory public restroom escapades.

In comparison, both Mitt Romney and Bill Richardson impressed me as intelligent, personable, fully-dressed and formidable politicos who appear to have the right stuff to be president.

They also struck me as shrewd and charismatic performers whose sometimes pat answers to probing queries designed to get beneath their target-market rhetoric raised even more questions so far left unanswered.


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