Friday, February 02, 2007

Unartful articulating

A freely available OPINION

The Washington Post

Filed 1.2.07

What is it, exactly, that white people mean when they call a black person "articulate"?

I'll leave it to Joe Biden to explain (or figure out) why he used "clean" as one of a logorrheic string of adjectives describing his Senate colleague Barack Obama. I'm not sure his initial revision and extension of his remarks -- that he meant "clean as a whistle" -- get him off the hook. Just a suggestion, but Biden might fall back to "clean as the Board of Health," meaning sharply dressed; the last time I saw Obama he was, indeed, wearing an impeccable navy suit.

(Click & Read on courtsey of The Washington Post)

Photo Captions & Credits: "Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.)" courtsey of KDP


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