Monkeying with Justice

By The Cowboy Picayune Editorial Board
Filed 6.15.07
It was sickening to read in The New York Times last week how the U.S. Justice Department has strayed from its once proud, strong and grounded civil rights mission, under the current regime of dogmatic Tartuffes in Washington, and elevated Church over State.
Back home in Wyoming, however, the reality that there are certain forms of justice, or rather injustice, that the system here just doesn’t handle very well is old news to anyone who's bothered to arm themselves with the facts.
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Artwork depicting the character "Tartuffe" from the comedic play on religious hypocrisy by Moliere
I read your article and the previous one from the Star last December. To the commentor:'rigman', who seems to know all that's going on with travis after his departure from r.s. 11 years ago. Sounds like a bunch of b.s.
1st of all: The article by Gil Brady in the Star Tribune last December is about 'Wronful Death' not Excessive Force! So what are you talking about? And that he knows this and that about Travis' when, where, how, why, who and because's while all along he left R.S. 11 years ago to escape the place ond got out young enough and evidently in time to not get caught up in the R.S. drama so he could have 'a life'? Doesn't sound right to me. And I'm sure that I will not be the only reader that picks up on this fraud. Either you has been coerced into submitting the comment or you are one of the perpetraitors (sp?) themselves.And to blast his mother that way. I'll tell you one thing Trav's mom was a hero to many many kids that had no place to go, either they were kicked out of their homes or had no one etc. She would take them in, clean and clothe them, feed them, often giving them a few bucks and sometimes even bus tickets to get them home or? She also had rules and if you broke the rules that was it. No second chances. Drugs were not allowed or used, if so? you were booted. And many were although even those that were sent on their way had alot of respect for her. She cared about them and she helped them and I know for sure that there are still some that stop by to say hi if they're in town or have a minute, along with their familes so she can she how they've done. not only Travis' mom but his step dad too. If you were ever there then you are very aware of the famouse lectures she gave over and over again wether you liked it or not. She would take us to the desert to arrowhead hunt (she called it; Touching the Earth) a place that she said was the purest way to connect with the man upstairs and energize yourself. She made us really think about what we were doing, why we were doing it, the consequences and what we could do with our lives. Many of us didn't have parent's that cared, she did and we knew it. One of Travis' beast friends was a R.S.P.D. kid. I doubt and know that if what commentor "rigman" states as truth is a definate lie because the cop would have halted his son's involvement with Travis for sure.
So either this commentor has been put up to this (which makes more sence than not because of the misinformation he presented and because of the sudden comment on a article that had been archieved for a long time now, taking no comments, ) and Where does it state that this is an 'Excessive Force" lawsuit where in the December by Gil Brady it states "Wrongful Death". Etc...
Many articles that came out after Travis was murdered have the same type of holes here and there that make no sence, like someone is trying to cover something up, all the way from the beginning even up until now. I think that the cops really messed up on this one and someone spilled a whole lot of beans and they are scrambleing everywhere to not slip and fall too hard...on their face. they assume that the readers are ignorant and unable to detect errors. that's a cops mentality. "rigman" has again followed this cover up procedure or like I said, in my opinion is one of the ones that murdered Travis and is trying to take the attention off the Law Enforcemnet and BATF and onto Travis' activities and onto his family now too. It doesn't have anything to do with his family. It has to do with travis' rights being violated and as a result from their misconduct a man is dead, 2 kids don't have a daddy, mny family members have to relearn how to live life without Travis and many friends lost an awesome friend.
And it's obvious that America isn't as squecky clean and lawful as it would like all other's to preceive.Especially Rock Springsi We have a Bill Of Rights For a reason. Why is there none that is able to correct the cooruption and turn this country into the one our forefathers invented it to be?
to the commentor: You're full of B.S. and foolish for thinking that all readers are illiterate enough to not read between the lines or should I say comprehend what they read.
You say you left 11 years ago? Still haven't found a life yet. Sad.
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