Fostering More Bullshit?
A freely available OPINION: Foster Friess Defends the Indefensible
The Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times
Filed 9.4. 07

JACKSON, Wyo. (CT) – Last week, a local philanthropist, Republican moneyman and apologist for Vice-President Dick Cheney went on a full-blown marketing campaign questioning the integrity of a local anti-war group, calling on critics of the Bush administration to raise the tone of the bitter debate over Iraq to something he deems “civil.”
With clever derring-do, in his full-page color advertisement run in the uncritical and slack local press, Foster Friess turned the tables on Jackson’s rising and vocal minority of anti-war protesters. Some of those present at the march and rally on Aug.11, and afterward, charged the vice-president and other Bush administration officials with publicly “sexing up” the case about WMD and Saddam’s hand in 9/11, accompanying White House drumbeats leading to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
In his ads, Mr. Friess opines that it’s the protesters who are lying, patronizing them, as if he alone held a monopoly on the truth, as: “(I)ll-informed or deceitfully willing to destroy another’s reputation to advance their own selfish political agenda.”
You’d think someone as sure of his own moral superiority and pedagogic denunciations of others would have thoroughly vetted his sloppy essay before allowing it to be published and so nakedly available for all the world to do for him.
Photo captions & credits: "Foster Friess and his trusty Iraq war advisor ride off into his own mist-shroud, la-la-land"/courtesy of
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