Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's Up to Voters to Raise the Bar

A freely available OPINION: Romney, Richardson Need to Get Real

By The Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times Editorial Board

Filed 8.30.07

Washington, D.C. (CT) – After a week of lolling about the free world’s financial and political capitols—where the medias’ cult of tacky hyperbolic scandals is a 24-7 sensory-experience in New York and D.C.—it was restorative to reflect upon the privilege of covering last week two ‘08 presidential candidates first campaign stops in that rarefied outback of modern America known as Jackson, Wyo.

Ahhh...last week: A now bygone era of idyllic America I shall call “B.L.C,” or “Before Larry Craig,” where serious political journalism and citizen participation went hand-in-hand with democratic esprit d’corps. A time before the nation lost its collective head over the balding Idaho senator’s unsavory public restroom escapades.

In comparison, both Mitt Romney and Bill Richardson impressed me as intelligent, personable, fully-dressed and formidable politicos who appear to have the right stuff to be president.

They also struck me as shrewd and charismatic performers whose sometimes pat answers to probing queries designed to get beneath their target-market rhetoric raised even more questions so far left unanswered.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Romney Swipes Obama, Clinton During Jackson Speech

"Is freedom God's gift to humanity?"

The Cowboy Times

Filed 8.22.07

JACKSON, Wyo. (CT) — Republican Mitt Romney became the second White House hopeful to visit Wyoming and attend fundraisers in as many days, arriving here Wednesday afternoon for a standing-room-only gathering in a humid motel conference room.

Late the night before, Democratic presidential candidate and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson attended a Jackson fundraiser before jetting off to Nevada the same evening.

On Wednesday, some 50 to 75 people sat or stood inside and outside the 49’er motel conference room as Romney, immaculately groomed in a pinstriped dress shirt with French cuffs and links, took the small, makeshift stage aside flags of the United States and Wyoming.

“The civilized world and America is in a perilous situation and is under attack” by “radical jihadists” who want to drag it “back to the 8th and 7th centuries,” Romney said as flashbulbs popped amid his paces, pauses and gestures at the tightly-packed crowd of supporters, detractors and hungry media.

The former Massachusetts governor is coming off a win in Iowa’s straw poll in a narrow field absent two of his GOP presidential rivals, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Seemingly untouched by the stuffy air, Romney did not sweat as he took swipes at leading Democratic presidential contenders, Sens. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, while stressing the importance of strong family values, including marriage before children, energy independence, increasing the military by 100,000 troops, and support for President Bush’s surge policy in Iraq.

Romney said that if either were elected president, Obama and Clinton would take America “on a leftward turn” at a dangerous time in world history. He did not, however, specify why if proven true either would necessarily make the nation unsafe.

While taking questions from the audience, a man, who later identified himself as Ted Ladd, stood up and grilled Romney about his record as governor of Massachusetts – alleging he left the state with $50 billion in under-funded liability and deferred maintenance for such public works as state parks and the Boston-to-Cambridge train line.

“You’re informed, but misinformed,” Romney said while defending his gubernatorial record and polishing his conservative fiscal credentials. “We had a $3 billion budget gap when I came in. While I was governor, every year we created a surplus. We had more requests (for spending) every year than money spent.”

Before taking questions from the press on Wyoming’s gangbuster pace of energy development, foreign policy views and immigration, Romney heard from the mother of a Marine, on his third tour of duty in Iraq, who asked what Romney had to say to her.

Upon thanking the Marine’s mother for her son’s service, Romney began querying her with the probing nature of a mind reader about her son’s tour. The mother soon volunteered that her son supported the mission in Iraq.

“It’d be nice if there was a surge of support for (the) troops,” Romney told her as loud applause erupted from the breathless crowd. Before ending his speech, Romney made clear he did not support a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, believing it could ignite regional chaos and civil war.

On the role of religion in Middle East foreign policy, and whether as a Mormon he supported President Bush’s assumption that “freedom is God's gift to humanity,” Romney said: “The value of the Judeo-Christian ethic is, all people are equal in worth.”

Whether the “Book of Mormon” would as president influence his foreign-policy decisions, Romney said he didn’t think any part of the book departed with the values of western culture. He also did not subscribe to any one book informing his thinking. Ultimately, Romney emphasized that he believed that “all people are sons and daughters of God.”

Though he supports President Bush’s surge strategy in Iraq, Romney did criticize U.S. policymakers for mistakes made there. If elected, he did not say Wednesday that he would end the war.

Asked about the current gangbuster pace of energy extraction on Wyoming’s federal lands, including whether development on such habitats as the Wyoming Range and its corridors should be permanently banned, Romney said he was “not sufficiently informed” on the plight of wildlife there. But, he added, his plan to get America “energy independent, by increasing oil, gas, nuclear, and liquid coal development,” should be done in an environmentally sound manner.

Earlier Wednesday, in an Associated Press interview in Reno, Nev., Romney took a strong states’ rights stance on Western issues of water, mining and public lands, saying he’s against “heavy-handed” intrusion by the federal government.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., recently promised to fight construction of any coal-fired power plants in Nevada, but Romney said: “That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.”

“We need to become an energy-independent nation. Coal is a major source of energy for this nation,” Romney said, adding that a better course would be to “insist on clean-burning technologies.”

Romney has ranked coal alongside ethanol, biofuels and nuclear energy as alternatives to foreign oil.

Before leaving, the top-tier Republican candidate denounced America’s “sanctuary cities” where law enforcement ignores illegal immigrants. He also disagreed with Bush’s belief that illegal aliens were here doing jobs “Americans didn’t want to do.” And he opposed amnesty or pathways to citizenship for illegal immigrant that excluded “getting in the back of the line” to obtain lawful visas or citizenship.

According to the latest Zogby poll, Iowa GOP voters favor Romney by 33 percent, opening his lead over his closest rival, Rudy Giuliani, by 19 points.

Former Republican state legislator Clarene Law, whom Romney called “Charlene” when he thanked her for hosting Wednesday’s press conference at one of her motels, said she supported Romney’s proven leadership during the Olympics in Salt Lake City and cherished his family values and successes in academia, business and as a former governor.

Romney, who at roughly $72,000 raised to date leads all presidential takers inside Teton County, was scheduled to attend a $1,000- to $2,300-a-head fundraiser Wednesday evening at the Lazy Moose Ranch in Wilson.

An invitation for the event noted that for $2,300 donors could get a snapshot with the photogenic candidate.

Organizers said they expected at least 100 to 140 people to attend the event, which could put Romney over the $200,000 mark in money raised in Teton County alone.

Stay with The Cowboy Times
Photo captions & credits: "Mitt Romney, front-running Republican for president, speaks at the 49'er in Jackson Wednesday"/Photo by Gil Brady ---> For more photos CLICK HERE via NewWest

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Richardson Whips Through Wyoming, Touts Energy Balance

1st Presidential Contenders Visit Wyoming

The Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times

Filed 8.22.07

JACKSON, Wyo. (CT) – The first presidential hopeful of the 2008 campaign season to visit Wyoming touched down Tuesday evening at Jackson Hole airport.

Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, one of eight Democrats vying to become the next president of the United States, entered the Cowboy state by chartered jet last night, likely beating former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts by less than a day when he landed here at 8:37 p.m.

Running over two hours late because of a breakdown with his original flight out of Las Vegas, New Mexico, Richardson scrapped a scheduled airport news conference.

Meet the local Press

Before jumping into a black SUV, whisking his small entourage of friends and aides to a fund-raiser of about 35 guests at the Jackson home of art dealer Gerald Peters, Richardson fielded a question about why, with Wyoming’s traditional-based economy in fossil fuels, voters here should consider him and his clean, alternative energy proposals.

Photo captions & credits: "Presidential candidate Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico lands in Jackson Hole, Wyo., Tuesday night"/By Andrew Wyatt

Monday, August 20, 2007

Murder Suspect Arrested in Texas

BREAKING....Cops say Kerrie Sullivan's murderer arrested

Filed 8.20.07, 6:14 p.m., MST

JACKSON, Wyo. (CT) -- Officials confirmed late Monday the arrest of a man in Texas wanted in connection with the alleged strangulation and murder of Kerrie Sullivan of Rock Springs.

Sullivan, 25, was found dead at about 6 p.m. last Wednesday at the Economy Guest Village motel in Rock Springs. Police have said that Sullivan’s body was discovered in a room that had been registered to Dawayne K. Myers, 23.

Read Tuesday's Casper Star-Tribune for the full report

Friday, August 17, 2007

Romney, Richardson Coming to Jackson

The Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times

Filed 8.17.07

JACKSON, Wyo. (CT) —The 2008 fundraising season here kicks into high gear with the expected arrival of two prime-time candidates for President of the United States.

Former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, a Republican, and current Democratic Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico are scheduled to touchdown in Jackson next week to attend Valley fundraisers for their campaigns, according to sources and today’s Casper Star-Tribune.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Town Square Rape Suspects Headed for Trial

The Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times

Filed 8.14.07

JACKSON, Wyo. — Two men extradited recently from Mexico, accused of raping one woman and assaulting another on the Town Square two summers ago, pleaded “not guilty” last week during their arraignments in 9th District Court here.

Accompanied by their public defenders and Spanish interpreters, Daniel “Bonilla” Juarez, 21, and Armando Aguilar, 25, listened as Judge Nancy J. Guthrie read aloud the felony charges against them and their rights to: remain silent; challenge evidence and witnesses; produce witnesses on their behalf; and plead guilty, not guilty, no contest or innocent.

Asked following court Thursday if he planned on challenging the state’s DNA evidence against Aguilar, as attorney Kent Brown did during Juarez’s probable cause hearing last month, John DeLeon of the Rawlins’ Public Defender’s Office said, “I’m not ready to discuss that…I haven’t received discovery yet. Not prepared to comment to the paper.”

Photo caption & credit: "Suspects Daniel 'Bonilla' Juarez & Armando Aguilar head for court in June"/By Zac Rosser

Sunday, August 12, 2007

War Protesters March on Cheney’s Home in Wyoming

VIDEO: 250 Cheer 'Toppling of Vice President's Statue'

Click here for VIDEO via "The"

The Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times

Filed 8.12.07, 1:44 a.m., MST

WILSON, Wyo. — Demonstrators gathered Saturday afternoon at the rustic crossroads of U.S. Highway 22 and the Village Road to protest the war in Iraq and local resident Vice President Dick Cheney.

Following anti-war speeches and folksy, 60s-style sing-a-longs, the crowd of about 250—ranging in age from toddlers in strollers to a 92-year-old woman—marched peacefully along the mile-plus county bike path before assembling outside the gates of the tony Teton Pines Country Club where the vice president owns a home.

Photo caption & credits: "Protester at Saturday's Peace Rally in Wilson, Wyo.,"/Photo by Gil Brady

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Feds Duck 9/11 Suits

Now Playing: "Nine-Eleven: The Mystery"

The Wall Street Journal

Filed 8.07.07

Airplane maker Boeing, major airlines and several airport operators, which face litigation from victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, sued the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency on Tuesday in a bid to question current and former FBI and CIA employees.

In separate lawsuits, the airlines and others are challenging decisions by the FBI and the CIA that prevent them from conducting depositions of those employees. The airlines include American Airlines, United Airlines, US Airways, Delta Air Lines, Continental Airlines and AirTran. The operators of Logan airport in Boston, and Ronald Reagan National and Dulles airports in Washington, D.C., also are plaintiffs.

The lawsuits, filed in federal court in Manhattan, are related to ongoing negligence litigation over the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Dean in Town Monday Night

For more on the official kicking off of Teton County's 2008 presidential fund-raising season, click here & read on courtesy of

The Democratic National Committee

Cordially invites you to

Cocktails, Discussion & Dinner


Governor Howard Dean

Monday, August 6, 2007
6:00 p.m. ~ Cocktails
7:00 p.m. ~ Dinner

at the home of

Imaging & Gerry Spence
Wilson, WY

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$2,500 ~ Dinner & Discussion

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August 6, 2007 § Governor Howard Dean Cocktails & Dinner in Wilson , WY

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Monday, August 06, 2007

Wolf Delisting Edges Closer

Public Comment Closes Today

The Cowboy Times

Filed 8.06.07

JACKSON, Wyo. (CT) – Today is the deadline for public comment on a federal plan to take the gray wolf off the endangered species list.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service extended the open comment period regarding measures that would allow wolves to be killed in the northern Rockies to protect elk and livestock.

Governor Dave Freudenthal and the federal agency struck a compromise earlier this spring to allow the Cowboy state to join Idaho’s and Montana’s wolf management plans.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Hoback Bridge in Poor Shape

Feds Rate Local Bridge 'Deficient'

The Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times

Filed 8.3. 07

JACKSON, Wyo. (CT) – Five weeks before Wednesday's bridge collapse in Minnesota, Wyoming’s Department of Transportation announced its plan to replace a heavily traveled bridge in Teton County spanning the Snake River at Hoback Junction.

Built during the Eisenhower admistration, the steel and wood bridge at the junction of U.S. Hwy 191 and 26 has been rated in the same
poor condition as the 35W bridge that collapsed two days ago in Minneapolis, Minn., killing at least 5 people as of Friday, according to the Associated Press.

“We really need to get the structure replaced,” WYDOT District 3 engineer John Eddins recently told the Jackson Hole News & Guide.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Rape Suspect Bound Over


The Cowboy Picayune-Sunny Times

Filed 8.1.07

JACKSON, Wyo. (CT) – One of two foreigners extradited from Mexico in June on charges of rape was bound over Tuesday for possible trial in connection with attacks by four young men on two young women here two summers ago.

Circuit Judge Timothy C. Day found enough evidence Tuesday to transfer the case of Daniel “Bonilla” Juarez to 9th District Court.

Day has barred the pre-trial release of any information likely to identify either alleged victim.

According to court affidavits, Juarez, 21, Armando Aguilar, 25, Federico Lopez of Jackson and Gustavo Zuniga Bonilla of Big Sky, Mont., are accused of conspiring to commit sexual assault after “Aguilar and Juarez began talking about what they could do to a woman.”

The plot was allegedly hatched at a local saloon shortly before bars closed at 2 a.m. August 21, 2005.

Authorities close to the case have said that witnesses for the prosecution claim Juarez expressed the greatest desire among the four men to find a woman and fulfill the plot.
Photo captions & credits: "Daniel 'Bonilla' Juarez & Armando Aguilar head for court in June"/By Zac Rosser